Maxi and Orry’s Litter Due end of May 2023


2 in stock

Please fill this form before add to cart

Full name

Phone number


Additional information


What gender do you prefer?

What are your color preferences?

What coat type do you prefer?

What size do you prefer?

What purpose do you want the Labradoodle for?

Does your household have very young children?

Do you currently own a dog?

Do you have any other pets?

Does everyone in your family want a new puppy?

What is your level of experience with dogs?

Will this be your family’s first dog?

Will your puppy be living inside the home?

Does your home have a fenced yard?

Where will the puppy be kept during the day?

Where will the puppy sleep at night?

Are you willing to commit to on-going veterinary care?

Are you planning on taking this puppy to basic obedience classes or have you trained a dog for basic obedience before?

We request that a dog be returned to us, at any point in time, should you determine that you are no longer able to care for the dog. Are you willing to agree to this?

How did you learn about us?

Product price: $500.00
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Multi-gen Miniature Bent Oaks Authentic Australian Labradoodles.