Sizes and Standards
Australian Multigenerational Labradoodles have an average life expectancy of 12-15 years. They become in a variety of sizes ranging from 15 to 65 pounds and 14 to 24 inches tall,( measured from the wither to the ground). They are classified into three major sizes including miniature, medium and standard.
The prerequisites for each are shown below.
A MINI sized Labradoodle ranges from 14 -16 inches tall. They are typically 15-25 lbs.
A MEDIUM sized Labradoodle ranges from 17-20 inches tall. They are typically 25-45 lbs.
A STANDARD sized Labradoodle ranges from 21-25 inches tall. They range from in weight from 50-65 lbs.
The Australian Labradoodle Association of America describes them as, ” extremely clever, sociable, comical and joyful”. They accurately depict the breed’s intelligence in explaining that labradoodles, ” display an intuition about the emotional state of family members”, with an ability to “know”. This ability to “know” is what makes a labradoodle a true companion of love.
Coat Types and Colors
There is incredible diversity in coat possibilities from chalk-white to indulgent cream, gold, apricot, beautiful reds, chocolate, cafe`, striking black and everything in between. It is important to note that slight variations in color will occur and a pup may not retain his original puppy color. At times, a puppy’s coat will lighten with age but, may to everyone’s surprise even darken. Unfortunately, there is not an exact science as to what exact color your puppy will eventually become. Coat color will range in shade and intensity.
Coat types can be categorized into three key types: wool, fleece and hair.
Fleece coat: This is the coat that most people associate with a Labradoodle. The feel should be silky and soft. It can range from being almost straight, (straight/open fleece) or with just a few waves in it (wavy fleece). Regardless, of the wave or curl this coat must be groomed in order to be mat free. Most often this coat is non-shedding and is frequently acceptable for people with asthma and other allergies. The Fleece coat is the main focus of Bent Oaks Farm.
Wool Coat: This coat is very dense and curly like a poodle. A wool coat usually has a tight cotton-like feel. It can be kept long but requires more frequent grooming to maintain. A shorter coat is easier to maintain.